About Tobi
I was terrified.
There was a time in my life when I was completely freaked out about life.
I wondered if I would ever find “the one”. Then I got married and worried whether she and I could actually live out being "the one" for each other. I worried all the time whether I was making the right decisions in life to get me to my goals and worried whether or not I even had the right goals in the first place. I also worried about how to come to my own understanding and convictions about who God was, and HOW to live out those convictions.
I know there are a ton of people who are there or have been there. I've seen amazing people end up in bad relationships. I've seen great relationships deteriorate. I've seen people effectively apply life and Biblical principles to their lives to thrive... and I have seen people remain in pain because they can't see principles at work against them or don't know how to get unstuck.
That's why I do what I do.
Now I don't know it all...and there are so many things I know now that I wish I knew then.
But this blog and the content I create are all based on wisdom I have picked up over time and wisdom that God has GRACIOUSLY decided to give me to share.
This is what makes us perfect for each other.
I get a lot of what you're going through
I care enough about you to push you beyond your comfort zone
I have been through enough myself to know that know one knows it all
I know the human capacity is limited enough to require God's help to fulfill your purpose
So…welcome! This is going to be great and the stuff you read/learn here will be amazing.
I am going to come for you (lol)...I am going to push you...I am going to challenge you and I am going to root for you as you change.

I want to help you answer the tough life questions:
Will I find my ideal relationship?
Have I really found my ideal love?
Will I make it in life?
Who am I?
How do I work on myself?
Who is God and what am I supposed to do about that?
How do I love God and live my best life?
How do I thrive in marriage?
How do I find (and live out) my passion/purpose?
Ultimately I hope that you get to understand yourself better here and that you meet a better version of yourself. Happy reading…happy sharing.
You’re in for a good thing.
Glad to be on this life journey with you!